One man's fight


It's a life-changing word.

Often, when patients first get diagnosed, they have dozens of resources available, a variety of places to turn.

That's not the case with lung cancer patients.

So one man is using the fight for his life to bring awareness to this neglected disease.

John Atkinson is living with Stage 4.


Unknown said...

John - I'm a 26 year old going thru the same thing - LIVING with stage IV lung cancer. I played golf in college and was wishing you the best out at the US OPEN.

My fiance and I started a blog as well. We, too, wanted to let people know what it is like to be living with cancer as well as educate our family and friends. Please check it out:

Maybe we can get together one of these days and play a round. Thanks for sharing your story and being so open about your experiences!


Dan Waeger

FortheloveofTom said...

Dear John,
I just want to say thank you for telling your story and for your brave fight. I am in your corner and I've said a prayer for your continued journey to recovery. I recently lost my beloved husband to Stage 4 lung cancer. I do not want to in any way, place a dark cloud on your recovery by telling you this. I just sincerely want you to know that I wish you the very best and to keep fighting. You can do it.
Take care,
Lynne Peter

Anonymous said...

John: I'm a 70 year old friend wanting nothing but the best for you and Lori and the kids. Keep up the fight and never never give up. Keep us in the LOOP. We are counting on you. If anyone can do it you can with the help and love and support I know you have out there. Love the Sr. Flowers. said...

John- You are amazing for what you are doing to bring awareness to the public and sharing what you are battling here! I really hope the best for you and your family and will continue sending lots of good thoughts your way. Say hello to Lori for me.
Ps. I am Maryann's daughter in San Diego. She sent me an email with a link to your blog
I am living in Reno now.
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Hi Ho Big John: Today the old Flowers had an unevenful day as old folks do. Nap and nap again. At least today it didn't rain. I trimed the neighbors trees. Just the low stuff. He has been gone for two years. Also cancer but is coming back in Dec. Just want it to look nice when he gets here. He is a batchlor. Pretty nice guy. I call him evey couple of months and he is so greatful that anyone checks on him. He too is a golfer but right now has na-rapathy in his hands. Did not talk to Doni today. Will call the office tomorrow. Hate to call the house and pest as he has a full plate. We probably won't go for Christmas, Don hates to fly and I ain't driving all that way in the winter. Will be the first time in many years we have missed. Long story. Hope you are doing better and looking forward to going home. Good luck with Chemo tomorrow. Rest and try and eat lots. Anything. Love the Flowers (Seniors) Barb and Don